We work with Agencies, Government and Businesses
Buena Vista & Salida School Districts
BGCCC AmeriCorps members serve as outreach coordinators throughout the school year assisting Title 1 students with math and literacy. Our staff also provide prevention programming – SMART MOVES (Skills, Mastery & Resilience Training) to 5th and 8th graders. BGCCC works with all levels in each district to identify youth that may need extra care and consideration. BGCCC staff also serve on the district safety committee. BGC has hosted elementary summer reading program (summer school).
Ark Valley Rollers
The Rollers partner with Salida Club kids to teach roller skating and rollerblading!
Boy Scouts
Individual scouts have worked with BGCCC youth to create Eagle Scout projects that have improved Clubs! Free meeting space is now provided to scouts at our Salida facility.
Buena Vista Recreation Department (BVRD)
BGCCC youth participate in BV Trail Runs, utilize McPhelmy Park for safe, outdoor programming with input from BV Recreation Department, and help keep our river park clean. Additionally, BGCCC provides letters of support for BVRC Department requests for funding to organizations like GOCO.
Chaffee County Mentors (CCM)
BGCCC works with CCM to match youth with mentors.
Chaffee County Out-of-School Safety Network
BGCCC Executive Director serves as a committee member.
Chaffee County Public Health
Provides special health initiatives to Club youth and ensures that all youth have been as safe as possible at the Clubs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Communities That Care
BGCCC key staff serve on CTC committees and help with CTC initiatives such as Teen Outreach. BGCCC youth and staff have worked to create NO VAPING in public parks in Salida & Buena Vista.
Early Childhood Council (ECC)
ECC provides much needed training resources for our Club professionals every year. Staff assist ECC with youth development during critical training endeavors and serve as members of ECC.
Family & Youth Initiatives (FYI)
We partner with FYI to make sure teens are safe in the community. We partner on Teen Nights for safe teen programming. Our staff partner with FYI on key initiatives such as mental health and safety.
Full Circle Restorative Justice (FCRJ)
FCRJ connects youth to BGC for their community service and restorative justice programming.
Outdoor Environmental Programming experts provide unique experiences every year for Club members (i.e. x-country skiing, nature camp, etc.). BGCCC partners with GARNA on key community grants and special events such as National Tree Day.
BGCCC hosts Guidestone programs throughout the year and partner on key farm-to-table initiatives including a Boys & Girls Clubs’ Friday Farmer’s Market.
Partnership for Community Action (PCA)
PCA provides safe place training and resource for our LGBTQ youth. Youth serve as volunteers for Ark Valley Pride Parade.
PAWS for Reading
A reading program hosted by our BV Club, matching Club youth who struggle with reading.
Rural Alliance for Dignity (RAD)
The Rural Alliance for Dignity (RAD) is a program of La Puente, empowering isolated rural nonprofits in Southern Colorado to meet their mission together. This is accomplished through a dual effort of AmeriCorps members providing boots-on-the-ground program implementation and a cohort of executive directors providing support to each other as they focus on capacity building goals for their nonprofits.
Salida Circus
The Salida Circus provides a program called Circus for All at Salida & BV Clubs, 8 years and
counting. BGCCC provides free performance space for Circus performances each year.
Salida Council for the Arts (SCA)
BGCCC works with SCA to Connect our kids to Salida Art Walk events. Club members volunteer at key SCA events.
Salida Creativity Lab
Provides summer theater programming & cultural arts. Examples are Día De Los Muertos and Chinese New Year Parade and a presentation of “The Lion King.”
Salida Montessori Charter School
BGCCC provides programming space for Montessori Home school youth (free)-Youth attend after-school, Friday & summer school program.
Salida Recreation Department
We've partnered with Salida Recreation on Science Fridays, swim lessons for Club youth (Hot Springs Pool) and special recreation events. Salida Recreation has provided critical COVID-safe outdoor space for our summer & Friday programs at Chisolm Park and Alpine Park. BGC has provided free programming space for Rec programs such as gymnastics.
Salida & BV Police Departments
Work together on the Safe Kids program and the departments help with BGCCC initiatives. Key BGCCC staff serve on community safety teams organized by police departments.
Sellars Project Space
Hosts teen night and BGCCC’s National Fine Art Exhibit.
Shavano Academic Booster Club (ACBC)
BGCCC supports ACBC financially every year at the Benefactor level.
Sol Vista Health
Partner on key mental health initiatives including the Teen Mental Health Voucher Program and mental health first aid training for staff; serve as our primary referral location for mental health needs of community youth.
The Alliance
The Alliance (which deals with domestic violence) has provided the Expect Respect program and teen night assistance, healthy relationship training and resources for Club youth. We partner on county-wide campaigns to connect young people to safety programs.
Trout Unlimited
BGCCC partners with Collegiate Peaks Chapter of Trout Unlimited for the science-based Stream Explorers program which includes entomology, data collection, creative fly tying, and fly-fishing lessons, connecting our Club kids with Trout Unlimited volunteers.
service club partners
Buena Vista Rotary
Volunteer partnership with kids serving their community through Rotary.
Salida Noonday Rotary
Youth of the Year practices his/her speech each year with feedback from Rotary.
Salida Sunrise Rotary (SSR)
Teens and Rotary members have worked together on numerous Club improvement projects together (playground, paining, picnic table building). Also, SSR provided help moving to the new Salida location.
The Optimists Club -The Optimists provide volunteer opportunities for Club youth to improve the Buena Vista community
americorps programs
Alpine Achievers
One AA member serves at the Salida Club year-round, assisting with key youth development programs and mentoring. Additionally, AA provides training to AmeriCorps members throughout the year.
Colorado Resource Center (CRC)
We partner with the CRC in bringing a VISTA member to help with BGCCC’s internal capacity building.
La Puente
Provides two members who serve each year, one in Salida, one in Buena Vista, year-round. These members assist our most vulnerable and those youth who need us most.